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Google My Business Posts Are a Powerful Way to Engage Customers, and Here’s Why

Google My Business features much of the functionality you would expect from a social media platform, and Google My Business Posts is one of the best ways to engage your customers. Google My Business Posts is valuable in that it presents a new place for customers to learn more about your business, but it also gives you leeway to deliver content in different forms. Think of Google My Business Posts as existing somewhere between search engine results and social media posts. As brand journalists, we muster the right blend of digital marketing and authenticity to put a human face on your business. We create posts that communicate the attributes of your business that are satisfying to you and to whom you are specifically trying to appeal to. One of the benefits of Google My Business Post that we like most is that it provides your business with a highly agile way to reach potential customers that are actively searching for products and services that your company provides. When someone searches your business or your industry, they are going to see your newest Google My Business Post— even if they are not digging any deeper at the moment. That is the power you can leverage to promote upcoming events or highlight new specials.